DWJ March Read-aloud: Hexwood

This week I’m blogging from the road, but I’ve still got a snippet of Diana Wynne Jones for you! This time it’s my own selection, from my personal favorite:ย Hexwood.




Hexwood is a standalone novelโ€”sadly. But what a novel! Robots! Dragons! And a definite treat for anyone interested in a new take on European mythology. Given infinite time and money I would acquire the publishing rights to it and reissue a hardcover with my own illustrations. Lots of them. More than any other work by Diana Wynne Jones, it’s imagery has stuck with me. Perhaps by the time I have the means to do so, my skills will be up to the task of bringing what is so strongly cemented in my mind out into the real world.

Got a suggestion for me? Go ahead and send me an email!ย goldeenogawa@gmail.com ! And Iโ€™ll be back with another reading next week!