March Magics Read-aloud – call for suggestions!

As I mentioned on Twitter last week, I’m going to be doing something a little special this year for #MarchMagics/#DWJMarch. In an effort not only to celebrate the work of Diana Wynne Jones but to perhaps introduce her to people who might not have had the joy of reading her—yet—for every Sunday in March I’ll be posting short excerpts of her work—as performed by your’s truly.

Now, I could easily fill every day in March with selections of my own, but as this is to be a social event I thought I’d toss the ball out to you, fellow DWJ-fans! Are there any scenes you’d particularly like me to read aloud? Any books from which you’d like to hear?

Drop me an email at — anything by that grand old queen of the fantastic will do! Whether you’d like to hear Wendela Horselady’s tirade from Darklord of Derkholm or perhaps Howl’s temper tantrum from Moving Castle or the entry for Swords in The Tough Guide to Fantasyland… even if you can’t think of a specific scene, a request as vague as “something from the Dalemark Quartet, please,” will do.

Once again that email is, and I’m open for requests beginning…

…right now.

#MarchMagics/#DWJMarch is helmed by Kristen M.—you can find her full schedule for March 2016 on her blog!