Quest, eternal

Since I hate to leave a story unfinished I thought I’d type up a report on my horse’s injury. For those of you with blissfully short memories, a few weeks ago I went to take the ol’ pony out for a ride and this happened. A tense weekend spent soaking, bandaging, and administering bute followed, after which the poor dear developed an ugly, puss-oozing sore on her coronet band, and the pain vanished.

Well, not quite. She still has some bruising on the sole of her hoof, which means she’ll have even more time off, but it looks like she’s cleared the abscess. She also has a new trim, thanks to my good friend Amy. Amy also recommended a pair of horsie boots for Emmy, which should help prevent bruising when I finally do get to ride her again. We’ll just hope she doesn’t developed another abscess in the mean time.

So that’s over with. Sort of. Thing about having a horse is you are continually awaiting the next disaster. You hope its something small, like an abscess or gas cramps, and not something serious, like founder or colic. Or chronic, like navicular syndrome or bone spurs. Sometimes I think I can relate to characters who are put on impossible quests filled with never-ending trials thanks to my experience with my horse.

And I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

In other news: I now have a goodreads account. Predictably, I am the only Goldeen Ogawa on that site, and hopefully I shall soon be linked with my author account. This move came recommended to me by a kind lady at Musa, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have bothered; I am distrustful of things like Amazon Author Central accounts and such, as they seem like they could easily distract me from important things like… oh… writing. But there I am, and if you have a Goodreads account feel free to stop by and say hello.

I still refuse to get a Facebook. I have Dafydd for that.

Now, there is a Bouragner Felpz short story that is refusing to write itself. I must go see to that.
