I’m not doing AC, and not just because of COVID 

First, the bare business bones: I will not be attending/vending at AnthroCon this year, despite having a membership rolled over from 2020. It was a hard and gut-wrenching decision, I will miss my friends there deeply, and I sincerely hope the con does well, and everyone has a great time and doesn’t get sick. Second, …

Summer 2018 Retrospective

This summer has been highlighted by two big conventions I attended, and the book I published in between. July was AnthroCon, my tenth consecutive and my ninth as a dealer, and for the first time I had my dear, Wonderful Mother along to help keep me sane, fed, and productive. It was fantastic. AnthroCon is …

AnthroCon and Beyond

It’s been a whirlwind… life, really. AnthroCon was there at the turn of the month, and as always it was a wild, exhilarating ride. So many good feelings, so good to see old friends again and kindle new ones. I missed Susan, who wisely stayed in the Netherlands this year and thus avoided the harrowing …

AnthroCon 2015

I am currently installed at Mary Capaldi’s house, enjoying an extended vacation after the amazing hecticality that was AnthroCon. It is very wet and green and there are fireflies. It is nice. This AnthroCon was both the shortest and longest weekend of my life. It was short in that things flew by so quickly, but …

Plans for August+Aphelion

So many things to talk about! I wanted to do a special post dedicated to Alector Fencer‘s crowd-funded graphic novel project, but would you know the thing passed its goal in two days? It’s still open, however, if you want to take advantage of some of the awesome rewards she’s got going! To give you …

Report: AnthroCon 2013

What: AnthroCon Where: Pittsburgh PA When: July 5th-7th 2013 Those of you who have followed this blog long enough may remember my report last year of AnthroCon 2012, and if you are new you may refer to that post if you ever become confused. However, if you are familiar with fantasy and science fiction cons, what comes …