Grimby Grats – August 2019

Grimby’s Gratitude – Comic-Con 18/31 the E-Newsletter of Goldeen Ogawa • Issue 21, August 2019 Originally posted for Patrons on August 2 on Patreon What have I done? Cleanups for “Sir Camilla” (The Camilliad, Book 4) “Blueberry Eater” standalone Released eBook of Driving Arcana Rotation Five Interior illustrations for The Aubergine Spellbook (Felpz Volume III) At-con commissions for AnthroCon What am I doing? Cleanups …

The Monday after Norwescon

Monday morning after a con is a surreal experience. You drift through empty halls and past quiet coffee kiosks, where just the day before were thronged crowds in colorful costumes and lines of tired people bedecked with ribboned badges stretching around corners and into said hall. The memory of a hundred voices amplifies the silence, …

Summer 2018 Retrospective

This summer has been highlighted by two big conventions I attended, and the book I published in between. July was AnthroCon, my tenth consecutive and my ninth as a dealer, and for the first time I had my dear, Wonderful Mother along to help keep me sane, fed, and productive. It was fantastic. AnthroCon is …

World Fantasy 2012 [con report]

There is a perfectly reasonable explanation for how I ended up in a Chinese dumpling restaurant outside Toronto singing Jonathan Coulton’s Still Alive a cappella with Amber Scott to a table full of bemused women. It goes something like this: On Wednesday my Wonderful Mother and I flew to Toronto for World Fantasy. World Fantasy …