Astral Chimera, batch 1 [art post]

A project I’ve been dreaming of for several months now, the Astral Chimera are a series of oil paintings re-imagining stars as mythic beasts (chimeras). The first batch, containing Sirius, Regulus, Fomalhaut, Procyon, Polaris and Betelgeuse recently made their debut at the Further Confusion art show. All six originals are currently for sale, and any …

Planet Horses [art post]

These four paintings were done in October and November of 2013 for an art show at Midwest FurFest (where they all sold, happily). I had wanted to try doing horses as representations of the planets, and began with Jupiter as an experiment. That turned out so well I went on and did the other three …

Winds of January

I had this brilliant idea to do a blog post about horses in fiction and how they are misrepresented and how to do them justice. 5,000 words later I realized what I had was a series of blog posts, and ones that would need to be heavily proofed at that. So while those are getting shaken …

Signs of Intelligence [Art Post]

Intelligence doesn’t always look the way we expect it to. Human intelligence is one thing… but what of inhuman intelligence? Is it so alien as to be unrecognizable? Or are there universal constants through which we can communicate? Perhaps there are higher truths not subject to the whims of our perception, and through these we may find …