Ceres Horse [art post]

To close out the year, the decade, and my Planet Horse series, here is Ceres, Queen of the Asteroid Belt. Since I added Pluto (and Charon) last year I felt it would be fitting to pay homage to another important celestial object—and a very important goddess. Like all my Planet Horses this piece was done …

Sol Horse [art post]

It may not seem like a picture of the Sun as a horse is a particularly seasonal thing to post at Christmastime, but if you consider that celebrations of lights and light-bringers have been observed around the winter solstice for as long as there have been solar gods and heroes to celebrate, then this is …

Introducing Dagrhi [art post]

I just learned that today is International Dog Day, and as it happens I have just the piece for it! Everyone, this is Daghri the Lake Wolf, Moon-Eyed Dog, She Who Devours and Eater of Evil. Properly she’s another kimaerha, like Astrhopi and Rhondi, and with them creates a quasi Creator-Preserver-Destroyer triad. My thinking went …

Witchy Kitties and Groomin’ Draggins [art post]

A set of five little (3.5″x5″) pieces for the 2018 World Fantasy Artshow that I completed earlier this month! First up, the WITCHY KITTIES! This is Ursula. She could be named after Ursula K. Le Guin, but she’s also got a chicken in the back of her cauldron and that seems reminiscent of Ursula Vernon. …

The Time Being [art post]

A quick gander through my online gallery shows a shocking absence! The original cover art for Professor Odd Episode 8: “Chronostrophe“! Colored pencils on 12″x9″ bristol board, 2016. I went through a number of concepts before settling on this one. It makes visual reference to a number of things from the story, and as such makes …

Treestone [Art Post]

“Treestone” was developed from a drawing in my “Travels in Valdelluna” sketchbook. I had been stagnating on a large graphite pencil piece, and needed to get something finished no matter how quickly. Below is the original cartoon. Valdelluna is a country I’ve been loosely developing for many years. Home of the Mist Spinner, Earbrella, and the …

[Art Post] Foxy Lads and Puns

These were a set of watercolors I did for the Further Confusion Art Show, based on concepts that had been rattling around in my brain for some time. First, a pair of fashionable foxy lads in splendid dresses… And yes, they are boy-foxes. Because I think fun dresses should not be exclusively for ladypeople. Shockingly, …

[Art Post] Environmental Chimeras

Last October I hosted a series of livestreams where I inked a set of illustrations on camera. Some of the recordings are even up on YouTube. My subjects were the Environmental Chimeras, which I sometimes spelled Kimaerhas because I was feeling Artistic like that. Anyway, the results were six brush pen pieces, each one illustrating …