Nexus Engineer [art post]

Hello all! The Professor Odd Season Three Kickstarter launched last Saturday, and every day this week I’m featuring a cover illustration from the book. These have been a long time in the making, and I’m excited to share them with you at last!

Today it’s the cover for Episode 17 “Eyes in the Deep”

NEXUS ENGINEER – 12″x18″ colored pencil, for Professor Odd: The Complete Season Three, Episode 17 “Eyes in the Deep” coming soon from Heliopause, 2023.

Mars. He was on Mars. It was different, somehow, from all the other alien planets or moons he had been on. While Niatano and Geda and Yarafan had been arguably even more alien, this was a planet he had known from boyhood. He’d seen Mars from Earth—a tiny orange-ish dot of light in the sky. And now he was standing on it. 
Well, a version of it, anyway. A heavily terraformed version, judging from the people he could see walking around outside with no protective suits or oxygen equipment.
He didn’t feel light-headed, exactly, though he had a bubbly, uncertain feeling in his stomach, as though his insides might start to float upward any minute.
“Less gravity here,” Professor Odd remarked. “Though you’ve done well with the oxygenation of the atmosphere.”
“Thank you,” said Arsiapolis, uncertainly. “Though that was mostly the myareen engineers. Humans only came to Mars a couple decades ago.”

Professor Odd Season Three: EYES IN THE DEEP

Prints are currently available through the Kickstarter campaign as either full size posters or the mini print set. Original art is exclusively available as a Kickstarter reward.

Created with colored pencils on 12″x18″ illustration paper in May and June of 2022, here’s glimpse of the progression:

Creation of this art was supported by members of the Heliopause CSA. For in-depth progress reports, behind-the-scenes extras, and monthly stories, consider joining today!

Tomorrow will feature the cover of Episode 18: The Last Voyage of the Odyssean. See you then!